Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Victory -- Thy Name is Not Formerly Kelly's One

A cold, hard rain fell on Second Avenue.

Suffering their first loss of the new season, our rag-tag band of heroes fell to the swarthy hordes of Oh Joe Don't Coach Me. Morgen Peck started the night on a promising note, dispatching her opponent with aplomb and staking the team to 1-0 lead. But the valiant efforts of Sam Hubball, Danny Irizarry and Tim Malloy were insufficient, and our team fell behind 3-1. A forfeited match at the end narrowed the score to 3-2, but this comfort was as cold as the rain falling on McSwiggan's.

Next Monday, McSwiggan's One looks to rebound against Filthy English at the Parkside Lounge, 317 East Houston Street at Attorney Street. New York magazine writes:
The Lower East Side was once a place where expiring hipsters would quietly drink themselves to death in downtown's last-ditch demimonde of derelict, drug-laden depravity. But this bustling neighborhood has seen a turnaround in recent years, and so has the Parkside's once sordid clientele. They keep the well drinks flowing, the classic rock blaring and the billiard balls clanking in the bar's otherwise sterile and faceless neon-lit front room.

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