Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Personal Note from Our Sponsor

Hi, guys!

It's Danny Bagadonuts here, owner and proprietor of Danny's Towing Inc. I just wanted to say how happy I am with how you're starting out your season there.

You know, providing top-rate towing services is a lot like playing pool. It's about performance under pressure. When you're trying to back up on the FDR to do a front-axle tow on a heavy-duty panel truck, that's a lot like trying to carom the object ball off the eight -- there's no margin for error. Or if you've got to bring in a Mini Cooper on a rear-axle haul -- that's all about finesse (and a little English!)

Or maybe you've got a broken-down school bus in Tribeca, and you need to get it to the mechanic's yard in Queens. That's like ....

Whoa. Working with all these metaphors is making me hungry.

Anyways, congratulations on the wins, and keep up the good work. You're making me proud. And remember -- there's free coffee with every tow!

Go, Formerly Kelly's One!

Danny Bagadonuts
Self-portrait, 2012

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