Sunday, November 25, 2012

We're Number ... 5? Also, Next Match

Pool league standings have ben revised, and despite our heroic showing against the Baggage Handlers of Yesteryear, it looks like we lost ground.

For whatever reasons, the standings do not include our most recent victory. But even including those four points only gets us to 33, which is good for a tie for fifth.

The problem is the congestion at the top. We have four teams — the Shamrock Rovers, Double Down, Bad for the Balls and Rack & Rollers — tied for first place. And — at 34 points, all four are only one point ahead of us. So the good news is that if we can chipping away at other teams, we should find ourselves back among the leaders.

This Monday, we're back at McSwiggan's hosting Motley Cue. See you then.

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