Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Victory (Special Election Day Edition)

Firstly, get out and vote. And remember that McSwiggan's One has endorsed John Edwards to be President of the United States of America.

Never has his leadership been needed more.

Last night, McSwiggan's One squared off against the Rack and Rollers at the Bleecker Street Bar. The Rack and Rollers were tied for first going in, but that's not how they ended the evening. (I think.) Kevin Tran and Tim Malloy posted impressive victories, and Morgen Peck pushed her winning streak out to three matches. Max Ernst lost, but the biggest frustration of the night occurred when Danny Irizarry tried to play the fifth match. Playing Danny, a 6, would have put McSwiggan's at 25, or 2 above the 23 Rule.

The what?

To keep things fair, APA rules states that the sum of the ranks of the five players involved in a set of matches cannot exceed 23. Unfortunately, as both Kevin Tran and Morgen Peck got kicked up a notch recently, we can now violate this rule rather easily. (Playing Tim (7), Danny (6), Morgen (5) and Kevin (4) gets us to 22, which would mean we'd have to put up a 1. Which doesn't exist. Which is a problem.)

What does this mean for us? We'll need stronger participation from the lower ranks of the team -- namely, Sam, Kerin and Max. Another option would be killing and eating one of the other team members, but at this point, that seems extreme.

In any case, McSwiggan's One is looking strong. With our victory last night, we should be moving up to third place or so. Here are the old standings. The new ones will be posted when they come out.

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