Thursday, November 22, 2012

Victory -- Thy Name is Conroy!

This past Monday, Kerin "Convoy" Conroy led McSwiggan's One to a key victory over the  Baggage Handlers of Yesteryear.

Though Convoy Conroy was initially reluctant to take to the table, he quickly settled into a groove. Though facing off against a 4, Conroy played with poise, rebounding from his miscues and taking advantage of the opportunities given to him by his opponent's play. At times exhibiting a laser-like focus, he sank five balls in two shots, demoralizing his foe but delighting his overflow crowd of supporters.

Sadly, this movie was the highest grossing flick in Sam Peckinpah's career.

His fine play set the tone for the evening, and netted Ol' Convoy his first victory in league play. Congratulations to Mr. Conroy, the newly-appointed 4-Killer for McSwiggan's One!

Convoy Conroy's play outshone another fine performance, as Sam Hubball came this close to also snagging her first league win. In fact, save for a double-bank scratch on the 8 that she'll never be able to duplicate, Hubball would have put her opponent down in straight games. As it was, Hubball did grab another game win, and this time courtesy of her own hand.

Danny Irizarry also had the hot hand, putting down his opponent in five straight games. He could not have dispatched his foe more quickly if he used a bolt gun.

Unfortunately, Morgen Peck was not on fire. Instead, in her own words, she played like her life depended on it (but was feeling suicidally depressive) and lost to a 3. (Ew — ick!)

Tim Malloy graciously accepted his victory in the form of a forfeit, which game McSwiggan's One a 3-2 victory for the night. All in all, a fine night for McSwiggan's, a fine night for pool and a fine night for Kerin "Convoy" Conroy.

The Day the Nerd Stood Still describes Convoy of Girls as:
One of six terrible films included in the Nazi Cult Collection. Original French title: Convoi des Filles. Like any typical 'nazisploitation' flick (i.e., an exploitation film featuring gratuitous sex and violence in a Nazi setting), Convoy of Girls revolves around a group of girls being sent to German soldiers on the front lines for their R&R.
This is not the worst film of the bunch, but still a movie that nobody would miss after all copies were lost in a public movie-burning rally.

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