Friday, November 16, 2012

We're #3! Also, Next Match.

League standings are out, and McSwiggan's One is in sole position of third place.

And we're only two points out of second, and three points out of first!

Our next match is against the Baggage Handlers of Yesteryear at the Edge, 95 East Third Street between First and Second Avenues. New York magazine says:
Don’t let the brick walls, comfy leather couch, pool table, and dart boards fool you: This may look like a neighborhood bar, but it’s the wrong neighborhood. It’s a little bit of the Upper East Side smack in the heart of the East Village. Of course, that’s not necessarily a bad thing—especially if you’re a clean-cut prepster in search of an after-work scene on a work-free Saturday evening, and don’t mind paying an extra dollar than is the norm in these parts for a drink. The  bartenders, however, will tell you the crowd is all local, and they’re so cute you’ll be tempted to believe them. Instead, tip them well and come back Sunday afternoon, when you can have the pool table—and the bartenders—all to yourself.
A view looking out onto positively Third Street.

And a view of the pool room.

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