Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Victory -- Thy Name is (Argle Bargle)

In a tautly fought battle, our beloved McSwiggers fell to the top-ranked Chamois Rovers in a 3-2 match.

Kevin Tran started off strong, but ultimately fell in a heartbreaker. Max Ernst then shook off a poor performance last week to even the score. Sam Huball squared off against a three, and succeeded in pushing him to hill-hill. Morgen Peck played an odd match against a begloved pseudo-6, but did take two games in the process. Danny Irizarry went hill-hill as well before pulling off the last victory of the night.

Next week, we're off The Edge to face off against the SkyCaptains of Yesteryear. Please be sure to bring money, so we can (a) take care of our little issue with pool league fees and (b) tip the sky caps appropriately.

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