Saturday, February 9, 2013

We Are Nothing If Not Regular

By my calculations, there has only been one match in this season or last where we did not win two or three games. (I believe that in the final match of last season, we one game — that was our last forfeit as well.) We continued this trend last week, with a poor showing against the Shamrock Rovers, losing 2-3.

There are three pieces of good news. First off, we have a new player, John Cullen, who put on a pretty good pool clinic in the first match of the evening, winning 5-1. And Kevin Tran won his match in three straight games to end the evening. The middle of the night? Not so much. But even with this loss, we should find ourselves in the middle of the league standings. Again.

In related news, we finally came up with a team name, and it's a winner: McSwiggan's Cactus Wranglers Comma If You Know What I Mean. Tim (or Tin, as he is listed in my iPhone) reports that Stuart is now saying our name is too long. At first, I though Stuart said our name was Too Long, which is kind of cool, but I prefer the Cactus Wranglers. I recommended our name, for league purposes, be McSwiggan's CWCIYKWIM. Bonus points to anyone who can pronounce that.

Here's a first draft of the logo.

I'm also working on the back of the shirt, which include the logos of our sponsors. So far I've received commitments from Danny's Towing, the Beth Israel Methadone Clinic on Ave A., Taco Morelos, the New York State Lottery, Chico's Bail Bonds, Missing FoundationSkynet and Nike.

Almost finally, I'm thinking of organizing a fantasy pool league. In fact, it's kind of been a fantasy of mine.


It would work pretty much like any fantasy league, where we would each have our own teams and would draft players from other teams in our league (as well as our own). I'm thinking a $10 buy-in, with the winner taking 66% and second place taking 33%. Basically, I don't think there's enough gambling in this league, what with it being banned and all. (It's actually rule #1). So there.

Finally, we're on the road this week, heading over to the Parkside Lounge to play Filthy English. Oddly, there are no parks nearby.

Please take the time to pay your dues to the APA, and please bring money on Monday so we can square up on the first payment for table fees.

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