Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ever Listen to K-Billy's Super Sounds of the 70's?

It's my personal favorite.

All of which is a long-winded way to say that the pool gods were with us, we cobbled together a win and we're stuck in the middle of pool league standings ... with you.

Your humble narrator started off the evening with a cunning display of lousy pool, but somehow managed to scrape together a win (in consecutive games, no less). Sam "Enchanted Evening" Hubball fought above her metaphoric and literal weight class, squaring off gamely against a 3 before succumbing. Tim Malloy looked like he was back on his game, polishing off his formidable opponent 5-1. Captain Trantastic started off strongly, but his opponent fought back admirably and eventually prevailed. Finally, Nina "Pinta and the Santa Maria*" Amster squared off against a 5, and pushed the match to a sixth and deciding game. The decision was "boo-yah, motherfucker" as Amster sank the 8 on the break, and won the night for McSwiggan's!

And the gods were happy.

In related news, I've sent Stuart all the info he needs to open up accounts for us.

* It is really hard to come up with puns for Nina's name. Any help would be appreciated.

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