Tuesday, January 22, 2013

And We're Tied for Second!

The winter season of APA kicked off last night, and we have a new member to show for it. Everybody, let's give a big McSwiggan's One welcome to ... Nina ... Amster!

And while it was a delight to see everyone's shiny faces again, there was also a pool game to be played, against the mongrel hordes known as Oh, Joe, Don't Coach. Kevin was "Trantastic," and even started his match on time — a first for our team! He won his match in three straight games, and also executed one of the more imaginative scratch shots in league play, which looked a little something like this.

Nina was ... Amster-dam good in her first foray for the McSwiggers.

Amsterdam. Really.

She, too, capably dismissed her opponent in straight games, but failed to scratch imaginatively. After that, things went a little sideways. On the other hand, we're only one game out of first.

Morgan did bring a lovely bûche de Noël, and Kevin agreed to ascend to the captaincy of our noble band of ball-whacking warriors. I have agreed to take over the thankless position of treasurer, with the proviso that I can be mean about it.

Here, by the way, is the scoresheet from Monday's game. I e-mailed a copy to Stuart earlier.

Next Monday, we're home at McSwiggan's and will be squaring off against the duplicitous denizens of Double Down. Bring your shivs.

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