Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Victory, Thy Name is ... Hello? Hello?


Yes, I'm trying to reach Winged Victory.

Oh ... I see. Well, did she leave a forwarding number? Oh —Okay. Um, well, if she does call back, could you let her know McSwiggan's One is looking for her? Yeah, we kinda used to go out. OK. Thank you.

McSwiggan's One continued to stink up the joint, losing a heart-breaking 3-2 decision to Call Me Darlin'. The evening started off strong, with Max "Old Man River, He Just Keeps Rolling, Yes, He Just Keeps Rolling Along" Ernst taking a 2-0 match. Our Surface-to-Air Missile looked good, but her opponent nailed a tough shot on the 8 to snatch victory away. Tim Malloy looked good, dispatching his opponent with ease. But the 8-ball was not kind to Kevin Tran, and the table appeared outright hostile to Morgen Peck. 

So this is another night where we should get three points. That's not going to help us, but it doesn't really hurt us — we should still be in something like sixth place. This does mean that our next match — or our next two, if the hurricane match is rescheduled — is super important. So make a burnt offering to your god and let's regroup.

Revised league standings will be posted when Stuart sobers up.

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