Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We Suck Donkey Schlong

So that was awful.

The lowlights were rampant. Max Ernst was out in two, the victim of an 8-ball break. Tim Malloy was out in three, the victim of a pretty decent 5, a couple of bad breaks, dead rails and general not-being-in-it-ness. Danny Irizarry was the first on the team to win a single game, but he went down, too.

That said, while there were no highlights, there were a couple of mitigating points. Despite the 0-3 start, McSwiggan's was able to snatch two victories via forfeit. Add to those two points a third for fielding a full complement of five players, and McSwiggan's left the bar with three points. That's not good enough to help use to advance in the standings, but it should keep us in the hunt.

In addition, one of those forfeit points was accrued by Sam Hubball, who came straight from the airport to lend her support. Sam is asymptotically close to her first win -- it's impossible for her to get any closer to winning a match without actually winning the match.

So it could have been worse.

But it was pretty awful. Wacky Packs kind of awful.

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