Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Well, That Was Fun

So we got our asses handed to us last Monday by the Rack & Rollers, going down 4-1. On the other hand, I broke my losing streak (by not playing) and Tim drank a lot. Oddly, though, I had a very good time.

As per the Captain, here is the revised front to the t-shirt.

There are different styles, and they can be seen here.

This upcoming Monday, we'll be at the Edge playing the Baggage Handlers of Yesteryear. See you then.

From Left to Right,

... Davy Jones, Captain Trantastic, Jack Nicholson, Micky Dolenz and Peter Tork.

I can't be certain, but I think this photo was taken around the time of the filming of Head, which starred the Monkees and was directed by Jack Nicholson. It's one of the worst movies of all times and yes, I have a copy.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Okay, here we go.

First off, although I consider myself an artist, and most people find me graphic, I am not a graphic artist. So this is the best I can do. Tim — I know you wanted black shirts, but that requires some fancy Photoshop trickery which I don't know how to do. Also black shirts go for about $32, or $10 more than the gray or white t-shirts. Without further ado ....

And here's what the t-shirts would look like.

Here's a link to the CafePress shop with some sample duds.

Now ... the tricky part is that not getting bogged down. While I am happy to make changes, there is a real limit as to what I can do. If you don't like a font, that's fine, but please suggest an alternative — I just don't know enough about typography to offer much off an alternative.

The good news is that we don't all need to do this. The bad news is that the handling charges at CafePress are definitely on the steep side — $13 to get it shipped out within four business days, and then an extra $2 for each item.

If we order a bunch together, we can divvy up the handling charge. People could always order later, but they'd either have to pony up more cash or wait a week or two before it gets shipped out.

Please ruminate on this, and hopefully tonight we can get a sense of whether this is something we should pursue.

Fifth Place

Wieder einmal, meine Kinder, befinden wir uns genau in der Mitte der Liga Tabellenführer. Heute sind wir im alleinigen Besitz fünften Platz.

Diese Woche sind wir wieder zu Hause gegen die Rack & Rollers aus der Bleecker Street Bar. Wir sehen uns dann.